A Year of Connecting with Nature to Improve Wellbeing

Welcome to Other Ways to Walk blog, where I’ll be adding monthly updates about the benefits of connecting with nature. Expect a mix of musings on my own observations in nature, reflections on research and how it applies in practice, top tips and advice.

Topics will include Urban Nature Connection, How to Connect with Nature every day, Can nature improve brain fog, the benefits of connecting with nature on a screen - and why all this is important.

For regular alerts about the blog, sign up for the newsletter (scroll down to the bottom for the link).

To access more detailed information and support, check out Nature Fix.

Thanks for reading - and remember it’s clinically proven that attending to nature is good for you even if it’s online - so take time to appreciate the photos, safe in the knowledge it’s soothing your nervous system and reducing stress.


Noticing Details in Nature can improve your mood