What are all the benefits of connecting with nature?

I’m always a bit nervous of this question because there’s so much evidence that developing a meaningful relationship with nature can have such a broad range of benefits that it sounds too good to be true. But the scientists are in overwhelming agreement, it really does have far-ranging benefits.

At least I’m reassured that  it won’t be the next fad to get everyone spending money on hopes for miracle cures. Nature is freely available after all, even if it’s only a view of the sky through a window.

So – I’m not claiming it’s a miracle cure for chronic mental illness or a solution for anxiety. But there’s scientific evidence that spending time intentionally and mindfully with nature can:

  • improve mood and help mild to moderate depression

  • reduce stress and reduce negative rumination

  • boost the immune response

  • improve sleep

  • improve focus and concentration

  • increase sense of vitality and purpose

  • improve ability to make choices

  • feel more connected to ourselves and others

I can show you how to tune in to nature as part of your every day life -.but we all know the hardest thing with this type of advice is remembering to do it.

That’s why I like inventing quirky and appealing approaches – because our brains love novelty. We naturally seek out new experiences and fresh ideas, so Other Ways to Walk works with this instinct, offering surprising, enjoyable ways to appreciate the natural world.

If you want help to stay engaged and enjoy connecting with nature every month join Nature Fix.


Our Broken Relationship with Nature


Connecting with nature online to reduce anxiety